The executive producer for Sea of Thieves has just called me a “motherf**ker”. I can't stop laughing. I didn’t expect this when I arrived at Rare this morning. To be honest, I didn’t really expect that kind of reaction to ever emerge from a session in Sea of Thieves. Despite its piratical set-up, and the built-in opportunity for meanness that allows for, Sea of Thieves has always struck me as an almost uniquely friendly shared open world.
We all know how Sea of Thieves started out. Around release, I grew fond of calling it “the world’s nicest chatroom” - a place where I hung out with my friends while doing a few odd jobs, rather than undertaking grand quests (mainly because it didn’t feel like those quests were really there). It wasn’t what I could achieve in that world that drew me in, rather just the pleasantness of being there.
from IGN News